1824 Billiter/Seward to Houston Land Deed in Bracken Co, KY

This deed is courtesy Karen Romick. Transcription by Jim Billiter, November, 2000. Source: "Deed Bk G, p 100, Bracken Co, Ky". Underscores "_____" indicate unreadable text.

Transcription history:

11/22/2000 - Initial transcript.

11/26/2000 - Current transcript. No material change from the initial version. Some unreadable words since deciphered were added, some questionable punctuation was corrected, and two words previously omitted by transcriber's all-thumbs typing style were added.

Transcription starts:

Margin entry: "J Belleter & ux. to G Houston - Deed"

"This Indenture made this 19th day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & 24 ________________ and Sarah his wife of the one part and George Houston of the County of Bracken and the State of Kentucky of the other part. Witnesseth that the said John Belleter and Sarah his wife for and in Consideration of the sum of Fifty-five Dollars to them in hand paid by the said George Houston the whereof is hereby Acknowledged have granted bargained Sold aliend and confirmed and by these presents do Bargain Sell alien and confirm unto the Said George Houston his heirs and assigns one ninth part of a certain piece or parcel of land lying- and being in the County of Bracken and is bounded as follows (to wit). Beginning on the bank of the Ohio river at a beech & Sugartree and two ash Saplins in a line of John Saunders' Survey of Seventeen hundred acres it being also the corner of William M______s land, a part of the Same tract, thence with said ... [more survey information skipped] ... containing Ninety-two acres of land be the Same more or less. The ninth part of said tract of land being the undivided Share of the aforesaid Sarah Belleter late Sarah Soward daughter and cohieress of Saml Soward decd And all the rights title interest claim and demand of the said Joseph Belleter and Sarah his wife of, in, and to the said premises hereby bargained and sold and every part thereof and all houses, buildings, & improvements to the Same belonging or in any wise appertaining. To have and to hold the said undivided ninth part of the said piece or parcel of land with all Singular the appertinances thereunto belonging unto the said George Houston his heirs and assigns and to the only-proper use and behoof of him the said George Houston his heirs & assigns fover. And the said Joseph Billeter and Sarah his wife for theirselves their heirs executors and administrators do covenant grant & agree to & with the said George Houston his heirs exor's adms and assigns that they are the true and lawful owners of the premises hereby granted, have good right lawful authority and full Power to sell and convey the Same in maner aforesaid. And the said Joseph Billter and Sarah his wife do further Covenant that they- their heirs Exors & adms Shall and will warrant and forever defend the aforesaid premises with their appertinances and every-part and parcel of the said Ninety-two acres unto the said George Houston his heirs and assigns against all persons claiming by through or under them or by from or under any other person Whatsoever. In Testimony whereof the said Joseph Billeter and Sarah his wife have hereunto set their hands and affixed their Seals the day and year above writen

Signed Sealed and delivered )               his            ____
in presence of              )        Joseph  x  Billeter  (seal)
   Isaac Sparks             )               mark           ~~~~
   Jacob Cooper             )
                            )               her            ____
                            )         Sarah  +  Belleter  (seal)
                            )               mark           ~~~~
Received of George Houston by the hand of James D Cope the Considerations of the Within in Full Per me January 19th 1824 Joel Cooper"

Handwriting changes here?

"The Commonwealth )
of Pennsylvania   )
 Fayette County  Js
Personally appeared before me the Subscriber one of the Justices of the peace in & for Said County Josep Belliter and Sarah his wife and they doth ackd the foregoing writing to be their act and deed and and (sic) desire that it may be recorded as Such She the said Sarah being by me made known the full Contents thereof & Examined Seperate & apart from her Husband doth declare that she Signs the same without any Compulsion of her said Husband but by her voluntary act will and accord Sea_ & as her act and deed without any coersion or Disuations of her __ Husband in Writing whereof _______________ James D Cope Fayette County Js __ John B Trever Prothenotary of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the County of Fayette Do certify that James D Cope Esquire before whom the foregoing Acknowledgement was made was at the of so doing and now is an acting. Justice of the in and for the County of Fayette. duly Commissioned and qualified to all whose official acts full faith & credit are due & ought to be given. __________ Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the said Court at Uniontown the 14th Febry 1824. Jno B Tever - Prothy"

Handwriting changes here?

"Bracken County March 17 1824.

This deed of bargain and Sale from Joseph Belleter & wife to George Houston together with the certificate of acknowledgement and authentication thereon endorsed was this day presented in my office and duly recorded. Att Wm Payne Clk"

Transcription ends.

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