Early American Billiters in the Delmarva

Notes and sources in chronological order
Compiled from many sources (with thanks) by Jim Billiter
Last updated: 7 January 2005
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[1671, May]
- Maryland Land Patents, Liber 17, Folio 74
"August 20th 1679"
"Robert Farington proved then five Rights due for Importing
himself Ann his wife Jane his Daughter and Joseph Billiter &
Phillip Sutton his Servants into this Province to inhabit in
may 1671."
"_____ November 1679            ________ Matt Warde"
"Warrant then issued in the name of Robert Farrington of Talbot
County for two hundred and fifty acres of Land it being due to
him for Transporting himself Ann his wife Jane his Daughter
Joseph Billiter and Phillip Sutton into this Province to Inhabit."
"Certificate returnable the 7th of February next"

[1674, April 9]
From: "Cavaliers and Pioneers - Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and
- Capt Southy Littleton 4250 acres in Northhampton County between
Maggettey Bay and the seabord side.  From the sandy point of Old
Plantation Cr. mouth to " Divell's Ditch". Date 10/5/1674. Page 538.
Several people and acreage are listed in this entry, including on
4/9/1674, 800 acres for transfer of 16 persons including John Billetor.
In patent book #6.

[1674, June]
Talbot County Maryland Records Volumes 1-2 compiled by R. Bernice
Leonard - "June 1674 Elizabeth Fuller to Joseph Billetor, Plaster [ed.:
'planter'?] - power of attorney to acknowledge and make voyd all my
right, title and interest of my husband's now dwelling plantation.
Witnesses William Phillips and William Hogon."  Courtesy Dave Gerth.

[1675, October 1]
From: "Cavaliers and Pioneers - Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and
- Col Southy Littleton 150 acres Accomack County in the forehead neck
of north side of King's Creek at Posamoke on William's Gutt or Creek
and between the bounds between Virginia and Maryland. Date 4/30/1679.
Page 676. Granted 10/1/1675 and deserted then granted by order and
transfer to three persons, including Joseph Billesor.  Courtesy EKB.

[1676, April 8]
Peden and Wright found an 'unplaced' Billiter in their genealogy:
'Stephens Billtor, who appeared in a list of debts in the estate of
Edward Coppedge of Kent Co, on 8 Apr 1676.
['Inventories and Accounts', abstracted by Skinner.])

[1677, August 17]
From "Maryland Eastern Shore Vital Records" by F. Edward Wright 1982.
Children of Joseph and Elizabeth Billiter:  (Courtesy EKB)
Joseph     b.  8/17/1677
Elizabeth  b.  9/13/1679
Thomas     b.  9/28/1681
Edward     b. 10/18/1683
Grace      b.  3/13/1686

[1678, June 10]
Tuckahoe Neck p. 5. From Volume 3, Talbot Co. Land Records, p. 262.
June 10 1678 Nicholas Hackett and wife Mary to Joseph Billeter,
Plasterer 600 acres called "Hacketts Garden" on east side of Tuckahoe
Creek.  Courtesy Cathy Downes.

[1682, October 20]
From: "Cavaliers and Pioneers - Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and
- Mr. Lancelot Bathurst 5000 acres in New Kent County, south side of
Pomunky Riv upon branches of Crump Creek. 10/21/1687. Page 598.
10/20/1682 deserted and now granted by order and transfer to 100
persons, including Joseph Billitor. Patent book #7.

[1687, August 21]
Joseph's approximate date of death is taken from the fact that Third
Haven Monthly Meeting showed concern for the Widow Billeter on
21 August 1687. Courtesy Peden and Wright from Third Haven Minutes.

[1704, September 2]
Billiter, Grace m John Michall 9/2/1704, Talbot Co, St Peter's Parish.
"Maryland Eastern Shore Vital Records" by Wright.

[1708/09, February 16]
Edward Billetton witnessed the will of James Dashiell of Somerset Co
on 16 Feb 1708/09.  ['Maryland Calendar of Wills, 3:120]

[1715, July 21]
Edward Billiter, John Tomlinson, and Anne Billiter witnessed a land
conveyence in Dorchester Co on 21 Jul 1715. [Dorchaster Land Records,
6 Old 252]

[1715, August 14]
Billiter, Thomas m Sarah King 8/14/1715, Talbot Co, St Peter's Parish.
"Maryland Eastern Shore Vital Records" by Wright.

[1717, December 14]
Edward Billiter was named executor of the will of William Wetharell
on 14 Dec 1717, and also guardian of William's son, John, until he
reached age 18.  Ed renounced executorship on 11 Jan 1717 (when the
will was proved) unto Elizabeth, widow of William.
(O/S vs N/S dats?) ['Maryland Calendar of Wills', 4:138]

Maryland Testamentary Proceedings
1721, Edward Biletor, Liber 25, Folio 42

[1721, March 14]
On 14 March 1721 Henry Turner conveyed to Edward Billiter 100 acres of
land, 'Fancy' in the east side of Great Choptank River in the freshes
and on the east side of of the SE branch of Phillips Creek.
[Dorchester Land Records, 2 Old 106]

[1721, August 1]
Anne Billittor witnessed the will of Mary Molehorne of Dorchester Co
on 1 Aug 1721. ['Maryland Calendar of Wills', 5:73]

[1721, November 17]
On 17 Nov 1721 Edward Billiter and wife Anne, in their own right and
as attorneys for John Sumerly, conveyed to William Trippe 100 acres,
'Guinney Plantation' adjoining 'Gotham' and 'Sark' in Dorchester Co.
Power of attorney from John Sumerly, s/o Thomas Sumerly of London
(deseased) and of Mary his wife (deceased).  Mary was d/o Francis
Soane (deceased), and niece of his brother Joseph Soane (deceased).
The POA to Edward Billeter and Anne his wife, brother and sister of
said John Sumerly.  Proved before Robert Grundy and W Clayton, Justices
for Talbot Co.  The following documents were presented:
1) Baptismal certificate of Mary, d/o Francis Sone, baptized 3 Jan 1632,
William Taswell, Rector of St Mary Newington, Surrey.
2) Marriage certificate of Thomas Sumerly and Mary Sone, m 22 Apr 1656
at the Parish Church of St James, Dukes Place, John Avery, Clerk.
3) Burial certificate of Mary Sumerly, buried 4 Jul 1698 at the Parish
Church of St Paul, Shadwell, John Hendry, Deputy Clerk.
4) Birth certificate of John Sumerly, son of Thomas Sumerly and Mary his
wife, b 5 Jun 1666 at the Parish Church of St Paul, Shadwell, John
Hendry, Deputy Clarke. [Dorchester Land Records, 2 Old 97]

[1722, July 18]
On 18 Jul 1722 Edward Billiter and wife Anne conveyed to John Tomlinson
100 acres, part of  'Nancies Delight' on the west side of the NW Branch
of the Nanticoke River. [Dorchester Land Records, 2 Old 136]

[1723, January 9]
On 9 Jan 1723 Edward Billiter, cordwainer, of Dorchester Co, and Anne
his wife conveyed to John Taylor, merchant, of Talbot Co, 50 acre tract,
land where said Billiter lives, 'Nancy's Delight' between the branches
of Hunting Creek and branches of the NW Fork of the Nanticoke River.
[Dorchester Land Records, 8 Old 47]

[1723, March 15]
On 15 Mar 1723 Edward Billiter conveyed to Peter Taylor a 100-acre
tract, 'Fancy' on a branch of Phillips Creek. [Dorchester Land Records,
2 Old 167]

[1728, November 16]
On 16 Nov 1728 Edward Billiter and Anne his wife, of Dorchester Co,
conveyed to Jones Dawson, of Dorchester Co, cordwainer, a 50-acre tract,
'Billiter's Landing', on Fowling Creek. [Dorchester Land Records,
8 Old 243]

[1729, July]
In Jul 1729 Edward Billiter, age 45, deposing regarding bounder of tract
'Cleland', stated he was shown the land at the mouth of Hog Creek by
William Callow about 28 years ago. [Dorchester Land Records, 8 Old 432]

[1732, November]
Edward Billiter of Dorchester Co, planter, age about 48, deposed
[something?] between 10 Nov 1732 and 20 Jan 1732 [O/S?]. [Dorchester
Land Records, 9 Old 158]

[1739, March 11]
Edward Billiter of Dorchester Co deposed [something?] between 11 Mar
1739 (O/S?) and 8 Nov 1740. [Dorchester Land Records, 12 Old 128]

[1739, March 14]
Maryland Accounts, Dorchester County, Liber 17, Folio 416
14 March 1739 Edward Coxon, dec.
Admx: Anorah Coxon
Sureties: Abraham Clarke, Stephen Fleharte
To: Edward Billitor for his wife's part of the deceased's estate
To: Mary Coxon for her part of the deceased's estate

[1740, October 1]
John Flaharty was administrator for Sarah Billiter, 10/1/1740.
Kent County, Delaware probate records.  From "Calendar of Kent County
Delaware Probate Records 1680-1800", pub. by Public Archives Commission
of Delaware, 1944.

[1741, January 16]
Edward Billiter of Dorchester Co, age about 60, deposed [something?] on
16 Jan 1741. [Talbot Co Land Commissions, 2:269]

[1742, April 18]
Sarah Billiter's will made 4/18/1742. Sons: John, Thomas, Daniel, Joab;
daughter: Johanna.  Probated 4/30/1742.  Original may be found
in the Delaware hall of records. Joab and Thomas were younger
than 20 or 22 in 1742,; difficult to read.
Kent County, Delaware probate records.  From "Calendar of Kent County
Delaware Probate Records 1680-1800", pub. by Public Archives Commission
of Delaware, 1944.

[1742, October 30]
On 30 Oct 1742 Mary Coxell of Dorchester Co conveyed to Edward Billeter,
of Dorchester Co, lands belonging to her deceased brother Edward
Coxcell, being parts of  'Addition', 'Mashey Point' and 'Loockerman's
Beginning'. [Dorshester Land Records, 10 Old 346]

Maryland Testamentary Proceedings
1743, Edward Bilater, Liber 31, Folio 381

[1746, September 14]
Edward Belletor was mentioned as brother-in-law in the will of John
Tomlinson, Talbot Co, written 14 Sep 1746 and proved 21 Mar 1758.
[Maryland Will Book, 30:78]

[1746, September 14]
"Will of John Tomilson of Talbot County, Maryland mentions
brother-in-law Edward Billiter dated 14 September 1746. Many have
assumed that Edward was married to Tomlinson's sister. In fact,
Tomlinson was (apparently) married to Edward's sister  I can't find my
copy of the record, but Edward was next-of-kin to Edward Coxon of
Dorchester County and received (apparently in right of his wife) 1/3 of
Coxon's property. The other 2/3 went to Coxon's sisters. Edward was the
son of John and Margaret Coxon (Cocson/Coxill) and this property (if I
remember correctly) actually adjoins the Billiter property..."  Courtesy
Harvey Lineback - Billiter Forum 1/1/2002.
'The source document provided by another Billiter researcher has the
marriage of Edward Billiter and Mary Coxon dated 1739 in Dorchester
County, Maryland.'  Courtesy Dave Gerth - Billiter Forum in response to
Harvey Linebeck's post.

[1747, January 2]
Thomas Billiter witnessed Danael Cain's will 1/2/1747.
Kent County, Delaware probate records.  From "Calendar of Kent County
Delaware Probate Records 1680-1800", pub. by Public Archives Commission
of Delaware, 1944.

[1747, February 2]
Thomas Billeter witnessed Daniel Condrat's will 2/2/1747.
Kent County, Delaware probate records.  From "Calendar of Kent County
Delaware Probate Records 1680-1800", pub. by Public Archives Commission
of Delaware, 1944.

[1747, November 9]
Joseph Cremeen & Elizabeth his wife of Dorchester County to Edward
Billiter of Dorchester County 'Joseph's Purchase', containing 50 acres.
[Dorshester Land Records, 14 Old 180]

[1752, March 3]
Edward Billiter and Barbara his wife of Dorchester County to Matthew
Covey of Dorchester County; part of a tract on the west side of the
NW fork of the Nanticoke River where said Billiter formerly did dwell
containing 100 acres called 'Nancy's Delight'.
[Dorshester Land Records, 14 Old 571]

[1752, September 4] (Note this extraordinary date! - Ed.)
Edward Billiter & Barbara his wife of Dorchester County to Peter Eaton
of Dorchester County, planter; 'Joseph's Purchase' near Sampson's Branch
which issues out of the Great Choptank River, containing 50 acres.
[Dorshester Land Records, 14 Old 731]

[1755, July 17]
Edward Billiter & Barbary his wife of Dorchester County, planter, to
Cha??s of Queen Anne County, planter; 153 acres of "Marshey Point',
100 acres of 'Addition' and 40 acres part of 'Lockerman's Beginning'.
[Dorshester Land Records, 15 Old 273]

[1760, October 8]
Maryland Wills, Dorchecter County, Liber 31, Folio 309
8 Oct 1760 - 16 Dec 1760
Thomas Simbs, dec., Wife Ann Simbs, to Charles Hamilton,
Wit: Joseph Alford, Edward Billiter, Joseph Billiter

Maryland Testamentary Proceedings
1762, Joseph Bitteller, Liber 38, Folio 387

[1764, June 11]
Maryland Accounts, Dorchester County, Liber 52, Folio 50
11 June 1764
Ann Simms, dec.
Adm: Nathan Manship
Sureties: Thomas Scowdrick, Joseph Billiter
Rep: Nathan Manship, Charles Hamilton

[1764, July 3]
Edward Billiter of Dorchester Co and wife, Mary, conveyed to Joseph
Wright of Queen Annes Co, Taylor, a 10-acre part of 'Billiter's
Beginning' on 3 Jul 1764.[Dorchester Land Records, 19 Old 283]

[1764, August 14]
Between 14 Aug 1764 and 13 Aug 1765 Joseph Billitor of Dorchester Co,
aged about 20, s/o Edward Billitor, now deceased, was deposed regarding
the boundary of William Richardson's land. [Dorchester Land Records,
20 Old 237]

[1764, August 14]
Between 14 Aug 1764 and 13 Aug 1765 - Deposition of Thomas Allcock of
Dorchester County, aged ca 42, mentions a survey at the upper end of the
neck - James Auld, Joseph Billiter & Edward Billiter his father.
[Dorchester Land Records, 20 Old 237]

[1769, November 14]
Between 14 Nov 1769 and 6 Nov 1770  Joseph Billiter of Dorchester Co,
aged about 27, deposed that when he lived with his father, Edward
Billiter, about 18-19 years ago at the mouth of Hog Creek, a certain
John Hollon, now deceased, came to his father's to work. [Dorchester
Land Records, 24 Old 308]

[1770, July 16]
Daniel Billiter witnessed Arthur Brooks' will 7/16/1770.
Kent County, Delaware probate records.  From "Calendar of Kent County
Delaware Probate Records 1680-1800", pub. by Public Archives Commission
of Delaware, 1944.

[1774, December 27]
Edward Billeton was one of the witnesses to the setting of the boundary
posts marking the land of David Harper, of Dorchester Co, MD on
27 Dec 1774. [Dorchester Land Records, 24 Old 308]

[1776, August 31]
From "More Marylanders to Carolina" by Henry C Peden, Jr, 1999, Willow
Bend Books:
"Zebdiah Billeter married Anna Seward and served as a soldier in
Maryland during the Revolutionary War. He subsequently moved to North
Carolina and died after November 21, 1813. [Ref: 'DAR Patriot Index,
Centennial Edition, Part 1' (Washington: 1990), p 253.]"
"Zebdiah Billetor or Billitor enlisted as a private in the Maryland
troops under Capt. Joseph Richardson in Caroline County, Maryland on
August 31, 1776. James and Joseph Billetor (Billitor) also served in
the 14th militia battalion. [Ref: 'Revolutionary Patriots of Caroline
County, Maryland, 1775-1783', by Henry C Peden Jr (1998), p 13.]"

"1778 Census of Maryland" by Carothers.
--- Taken before Peter Richard:  James Billetor, can't write.
Richard also noted people on Captain Noel's Sloop, "now lying at his
wharf". Richard's listing has only 27 people.
[According to the archivist at the Maryland State Archives (MSA) this
was not strictly a census, but an enumeration of those taking an oath
of fidelity to the state (repudiating the king). There may have been
another in 1776. 1778 appears to have been due on March 1st. We found
the original of the first entry above, Peter Richard's (Richardson in
the text). Additional information for that James Billetor follows.
James made his mark on February 28th. It's recorded in Caroline
County land record, liber A, folio 262. It was presented at Melvills
Warehouse on the 3rd Tuesday in March by Peter Richardson, Justice of
the County Court. Following the oath and enumeration is "Mariners that
belong to Capt. T. Noels (sp?) sloop now lying at his wharf." So it's
probable that all 27 people were working the sloop.]
--- Taken before Thomas Wynn Goocherman, constable for Great Choptank
Hundred: James Billetor and Joseph Billetor.
[We didn't find the Goocherman entry in the MSA index.]
--- A third was found at MSA, but not in Carothers:
Billiter, Zebdial on John Dickenson's return from Dorchester County in
1778. Taken January 19th - March 1st. Zeb's is the last name of 56.
Box 3, folder 42, p2.  Courtesy JHB

[1782, February 14]
'Pierce's Register' - Pierce was Paymaster General (..etc.) for officers
and soldiers of the Continental Army under act of Congress of July 4,
Certificate   To Whom Issued      Amount
-----------   --------------      ------
55330 (1)     Billeter, Samuel    $40.60
55066 (1)     Billetter, Samuel   $80.00
50719 (2)     Bitter, John        $19.75
54651 (1)     Bitter, Samuel      $70.40
(1) Certificate #'s 54120-55372 were issued to "Delaware Regiment,
Lieut. Col. J. Vaughn; William McKennan, agent."
(2) Certificate #'s 48702-51357 were issued to "Second Artillery,
underCol. John Crane, Massachusetts, paid to Nov. 4, 1783; C. Knowles,
agent." Note: Pierce's register excludes South Carolina (!) and all
Malitia, who were paid by the states.
Revolutionary War Records at National Archives. Summary of Samuel
Billiter: Hall's Delaware Regiment. Private.  Enlisted 2/14/1782 at
age 18. Height 5-4, farmer, b. Delaware. Residence: Kent Co., Delaware.
Brown hair, fair complexn, mustered 2/15/1782. Made his mark when
signing for rations. Fit for duty at inspection at Philadelphia
12/28/1783. Enlistment bounty was (pounds, shlillngs, pence) 6,18,7
plus 3,0,0 reward for enlisting. Unpaid 2,1,5.

From: Index to History of Delaware 1609-1888.
Billator, Daniel, 1785, living in the East Dover Hundred, Kent County.
The following list of persons assessed in 1785 in St. Jones Hundred and
that partof East Dover Hundred lying east of the St. Jones River. All
west of the river were assessed in Murderkill Hundred.  The list
included about 100 people, among them: Daniel Billator who was assessed
less than 10 pounds.

[1785, December 15]
Daniel Billiter witnessed Nehemia Handzar's will 12/15/1785.
Kent County, Delaware probate records.  From "Calendar of Kent County
Delaware Probate Records 1680-1800", pub. by Public Archives Commission
of Delaware, 1944.

Census - Maryland, Caroline County
--- Bitteler, Joseph. 2 males >= 16, 2 males < 16, 4 fem., no other
free or slave persons.
--- Bitteler, Elizb. 1 male < 16, 4 females. No other free persons or
--- Bitteler, Margt. 3 females. No other free persons or slaves.

[1791, July 22]
Daniel Bileter's will made 7/22/1791, Dover Hundred.  Heirs: wife Sarah,
son Samuel, daughters Nancy, Mahala, Elizabeth, Lydia.
Probated 8/18/1791. Daniel's original will may be viewed in
the Delaware Hall Of Records.  He refers to Samuel as his
"ondutyfull son" who gets "5 shillings if he should demand it."
Kent County, Delaware probate records.  From "Calendar of Kent County
Delaware Probate Records 1680-1800", pub. by Public Archives Commission
of Delaware, 1944.

1800 Maryland Census, Caroline County
--- Billotter, John. Caroline Co. mupg 5. 2 males < 10, 1 male 16-26,
1 male 26-45, 1 female 26-45, 1 female > 45, no other free persons or
--- Billotter, Joseph. Caroline Co., mupg 5. 1 male > 45. No others.

1810 Maryland Census, Caroline County
Bittelor, Deborough. Caroline Co. mupg. 450. Index

[1819, September 15]
Billeter, John m Nancy Pritchard 9/15/1819, Talbot Co.
"Maryland Eastern Shore Vital Records" by Wright.

1820 Maryland Census
--- Billeter, Joseph. Caroline Co. mupg. 106. Election district 3 Twp.
1 male of 26, < 45
1 female of 26, < 45
1 male < 14
1 male of 14, < 26
1 female of 14, < 26
1 female of 26, < 45
Free colored persons:
1 female of 45 and upwards
--- Billetter, Clark. Talb. Co. mupg. 051. 4th Elec. Chapel Twp.
1 male of 10, < 16
2 males of 45 and upwards
2 females of 10, < 16
2 females of 45 and upwards
4 persons engaged in commerce
? persons engaged in agriculture (? == unreadable)
2 males < 14
2 males of 16, < 45
1 female under 14
2 females of 14, < 26
Free colored persons:
? males under 14
? males of 45 and upwards
? females of 14, < 26
? females of 45 and upwards
(? == unreadable, might be zero, but differs from other null
entries on the line.  The entries all look like a narrow
uppercase D rotated 45 degrees clockwise.)
(Also, see Talbot Co sale in 1823 between Clark and Joseph.)

[1823, November 3]
MSA index 132, land Talbot Co. IL R44 p. 490,491 Bill of sale.
Summary follows. Recorded November 7, 1823.  Clark Billiter of Talbot
County sold the following to Joseph Billiter of Caroline County:
2 yoke of oxen, 23 head of cattle, 5 horses, 42 hogs, 6 sheep, 5 beds,
bedstead of furniture, 2 carts, one dining mahogany table, one dozen
Winsor chairs, 2 bureaus, 1 cupboard, 1 carpet, one Negro girl (!)
called Charlotte aged 12 or 14.  Signed November 3, 1823 in the
presence of Richard Sherwood. (MSA = Maryland State Archives.)

Caroline County Land Records
Deed, John Billeton to William Potter, JRP 201

1830 Maryland Census
--- Billetor, Clark. Balt. mupg. 071. 2nd ward. Index.
--- Billeter, John. Caroline Co. mupg. 316. Lower dist.
--- Belliter, Joseph. Caroline Co. mupg. 319. Lower dist.

Caroline County Land Records
Mort, Joseph Billetor to James Billetor, JRR 268

Caroline County Land Records
Deed, James & Joseph Billetor to Tilgman Sulivane, JRS 18

Caroline County Land Records
Deed, James Billiter to Mary Billiter, JRU 175

Caroline County Land Records
Deed, James Billiter to Tilgman Sulivane, JRU 176

1840 Maryland Census
--- Billiter, Clark. Balt. mupg. 262. Baltimore.  Index.
--- Billetter, Mary. Caroline Co. mupg. 330. Lower dist.