James Billiter
M, #3428, b. 1821, d. 6 February 1879
James Billiter was born in 1821 in Ohio. He and
Selia Beauchamp were married on 15 September 1839 in Vigo Co, Indiana. He died on 6 February 1879, at age ~58, in Elkhorn Precinct, Douglas Co, NE.
James mustered in the army 28 October 1862 with son
Mark. James served as a Private in Co. A 2nd Nebr. Cav.
age 45. 1856 Douglas Co. Elk Horn City: James was a
farmer. There was 1 male over 21, 1 male over 16, and 1
male under 16, 1 female over 16, 3 females under 16 in the
James` estate records are in Omaha, Douglas County, NE.
The estate from James Billeter drug on from 1879 when he
died until 1912. Heirs were Frank Billeter of Des Moines,
IA grandson and son of William Billeter, John W. Billeter of
Fremont NE, grandson and son of Marks J. Billeter; Zylpha
Billeter Tobler of Fremont, grandaughter and daughter of
Marks; Laura Morris of Waterloo, NE, grandaughter and
daughter of Mary Brown (Rebecca) Alice Billeter Creedon
of So. Omaha duaghter; Ida Billeter Branton of Omaha,
daughter. Judi did not have James daughter Ida Mae.
Selia/Delia died before 1879. Another spelling for her name
is Celia.
The petion of Marks J. Billeter who is of theage of twenty
one years and upwards, of the County of Douglas
respectfully shows: "That JAMES BILLETER late of Elk
Horn Precinct in said county of Douglas departed this life in
said precinct of Elk Horn on Thursday the 6th of February
1879, leaving no last Will and Testament, as your petitioner
is informed and verily believed that your petition is a son of
said deceased.
That said deceased was, at and immediately previous to his
death,an inhabitant of said County of Douglas and that he
possessed of both personal and real estate, situate and bing
in the County of Douglas to be administered, and that the
estimated value thereof is the sum of seven hundred dollars
or thereabouts, as your petioner is informaed and verily
believed. And you petioner further shows that the names
and residence of the heirs at law of said deceased and other
person interested in his estate, are as follows: WILLIAM
MAY BILLETER, daughters of the deceased, all living in
Elk Horn Precinct except IDA who lives in Valley Precinct,
in Doulglas CO. Nebr. and MRS. MARY BROWN
daughter of the deceased now in the hospital for the insane
at Lincoln, Nebr.
Your petioner therefore pray that all persons interestedin
said estate may be duly cited as required by law, and as to
this Court may seem proper, to show cause, if any there be,
why Administration of said estate may not be granted to
F.W. Corless as administrator and that such other an further
order and proceedings may be had in the premises as may
be required by the statutes in shuc case made and provided.
Dated February 12, 1879, and signed by Marks J. Billeter
Waterloo, Nebr. Feb. 16th 1879, taking charge of property
and hogs at 25 cents per day, 1 horse $.25 a day. husking
corn 9 days at$1.50 per day, furnished corn 40 days, for
horse and hay all the time, Bill was $185.00 presented to the
court, Signed BILLETER and MORRIS.
Granting Administration-State of Nebr., Douglas Co., ; At
County Court held at the County Court Room in and for said
COunty on the 11th day of April 1879. Wm Batholomew,
County Judge.
In the Matter of the Estate of James Billeter. F.W. Corlis,
administrator, ordered the six months be allowed for
creditors to present their claims against said Estate for
adjustment and allowance, and one year be allowed said
administrator to settle up Estate, from the 17th day of April
1879. And it is Further Ordered, That M.W.E. PURCHASE
and JOHN MORRIS, disinterested persons of Douglas
County, Nebraska be appointed appraisers of the Estate of
said deceased.
And it is Futher Ordered, That notice be given to the
creditors of said Estate, to appear before me, at the County
Court Room in said County on the 17th day of June 1879,on
the 16th day of August 1879, and on the 17th day of
Octover 1879 at 10 o`clock in the a.m.
Signed by County Judge
Notice for Letters: State of Nebraska, County of Douglas,
At a term of the County Court held in and for said County at
the County Court Room, in the City of Omaha
in said County, on the 17th day of April 1879. County Judge,
William Bartholomew.
In the matter of the estate of JAMES BILLETER. An
order of this Court having been mad in said matter, on the
22nd of March 1979. Assignining this 17th day of April
1879. At the County Court Room in and for said COunty as
the time and place fore hearing the petition of MARKS J.
The administrator was F.W. Corliss and they published
notice of thehearing in the Omaha Weekly Bee. It is
ordered that upon the filing of the sid F.W. Corliss of a good
and sufficient bond in the penal sum of Five hundred dollars,
with one or more sureties, to be approved by this court said
bond conditional according to law andupon taking the oath
required by law. Letters of Administrtion be issued out of
and under the seal of this Court, to the said F.W. Corliss, as
admintistrator of the estate of said deceased.
Witness my had, and the seal of said County Court, at
Omaha this 17th day of April 1879.
William Bartholomew, County Judge.
Funeral Costs: total $42.60, Feb. 8, 1879
Paid by William Morris (an uncle to REBECCA MORRIS
Coffin $25.00 Stock $55.25
ALICE BILLETER $25.00 Physician Elwood $15.25
BILLETER & MORRIS $53.00 Attorney $16.25
Mortgage Chattel paid $79.95
Then what they had sold was:
Old Horse $75.00 Hogs$72.33
Mowing Machine $5.00
James bill at Purchase & Raber, dealers in : Dry Goods,
Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groceries and
Provisions, Dried and Canned Fruits, Wood and Willow
Ware, Crockery, Lumber, Lath, Lime, Doors, Sash, Blinds,
Plasterer`s Hair and all kinds of Build Material. He had
charges $40.55 then $40 was paid and charged $24.50 paid,
and unreadable was charged and the balance due $16.05.
Schedule of claims against the estate of JAMES
BILLETER, deceased, adjudged by the County Court to be
valid and subsiting: amount claimed, nature of claim, amount
allowed, when allowed. Claimants: ALICE BILLETER
$34.75 money paid out by her for the use of said JAMES
BILLETER in his life time. WILLIAM MORRIS $ 42.50
Funeral; Dr. A.B. Elwood, medical attendant. $15.25;
BILLETER and MORRIS $55.25 work and care of stock;
W.M. Koerner, Blacksmith $ 9.45; F.D. Cooper $78,95 note
of Chattel Mortgage (promissary note)....
State of Nebraska, County of Douglas.
At a session of the county court held in and for the County
of Douglas at the County Court Room in the city of Omaha,
on this August 16th, 18979.
Present: Wm. Bartholomew, County Judge.
In the matter of the estate of JAMES BILLETER,
deceased. Be it remembered that on this day cause for
hearing the above claims against said estate to be paid in full
or pro Rate according to their respective priorities, as the
circumstances of the estate will allow.
Signed Wm. O. Bartholomew, County Judge
Claim: of undivided one-half of one hundred and twenty
acres of land to, JAMES BILLETER for four years,
1875-$30.00;1876-$30.oo;1877-$30.00; 1878=$30. fo a total
of $120... L.B> Butler being first duly sworn depose and
say, that i am acquainted with the above describedpremises,
that the same was occupied by above named JAMES
BILLETER during his life per as above charged, That I
during the four years named was the obligated owner of the
undivided and ______ of the above described bond, that the
above account is just and true and wholly unpaid and that
this claim _____ _____ filed with the County Judge of
Douglas CO. signed L.R. Butler
County Court of Douglas Co., Nebr
In the matter of JAMES BILLETER, deceased, Petioner
F.W. Corliss shows that of the 17th day of April 1879 he
was duly appointed bysaid court administrator of the estate
of JAMES BILLETER, deceased, and took upon himself
the burden and office thereof: and that twelve months
having elapsed since theappointment of your petioner as
fore said he is desirous of having a settlement of his account
this day filed and a decree of that settlement entered therein
according to law.
The names, ages, residence and relationship to deceased of
the heirs at law, legatees and deserves of said deceased are
as follows:
FRANK BILLETER, over 21 of Des Moines, IA, grandson
and son of William John W. Billeter over 21 of Fremont,
NE, grandson and son of Marks J.;
grandaughter and daughter of MARKS J.;
MAY BILLETER HENDERSON over 21 of Fairfax, S.D.
grandaughter and daughter of MARKS J.
JOSIE BILLETER STONER over 21, of Bloomfield, NE
grandaughter and daughter of MARKS J.;
KATIE BILLETER BRUNTON over 21 of Washington,
NE, grandaughter and daughter of MARKS J.;
LAURA MORRIS over 21 of Waterlood, NE, grandaughter
and daughter of MARY BROWN;
ALICE BILLETER CREEDON over 21 of South Omaha,
NE daughter
Your petioner therefore prays this Court for a final
settlement and allowanceof such account, and for a
discharge from his trust, and that for these purposes, a time
and place be fixed for examining, settling and allowing such
account and such notice thereof ordered given as the law
may require and as to the Court may deem proper.
Dated December 5th 1912
In the Co. Court of Douglas County NE...in the matter of
the Estate of JAMES BILLETER, Deceased.
The undersigned, as administrator of said estate, hereby
respectfully submits to the court the following report of his
acts and doing from April 17th, 1879 to December 5th, 1912,
RECEIPTS 1880 Cash sale of horse $75.00
Cash sale of hogs $72.33
Cash sale of mowing
machines $5.00
Total $152.33
The corn listed in the Inventory was fed to the hogs
belonging to the estate; the other items of personal property
listed in the Inventory were worthless. The real estate
belonging to the estate of JAMES BILLETER, Deceased,
was foreclosed and sold in the case of Creighton v. Billeter,
et al. Doc."S" No. 100 District Court, Douglas Co. NE. The
petition in said case being billed April 20,1880, the decree
therein being entered July 9th, 1880, the land sold under said
decree October 14th, 1880 and said sale confirmed October
23rd, 1880.
The following disbursements were made during the years
1879, 1880, 1881, and 1883 and are evidenced by vouchers
on file.
To BILLETER and MORRIS for taking care of and
keeping stock $55.25
To J. Crawford, Atty. fee 15.25
To F.D. Cooper payment of chattell mortgage on all
property of deceased. 79.95
To WM MORRIS 34.00
To Dr. A. Elwood 7.55
To John A. Logan 4.45
To J. Crawford 12.80
To Miller & Richardson 2.80
To Purchase A. Raber 6.00
State of Ne, Co. of Douglas
F.W. CORLISS being first duty sworn, says that he is the
Administrator of the Estate of the said Deceased; that the
foregoing account is in all respects, true and just; that it
contains a full and true account of all the estate and of facts
of the said deceased, that have come into
______possession of knowledge, or that have come into the
possession of any other person for him,
Signed, F.W. Coriliss on the 5th day of December, 1912
In the matter of the Estate of JAMES BILLETER,
Decree if Final Account
Now on this 11th day of January, 1915, this cause came on
to be heard on the petition of Fred W. Corliss, Administrator
for a final settlement of the Estate of JAMES BILLETER,
Deceased, on the final administration account of the
administrator of said estate, and the evidence, and was
submitted to the court. On consideration wher of, the court
finds that said JAMES BILLETER died on the 6th day of
February, 1879, That on the 24th of December,1912, F.W.
Corliss, adminstrator of the estate of said JAMES
BILLETER, deceased, filed in this court his final
administation account as such adminstrator, and a petiton
praying that the said account be settled and allowed; that
said estate be closed as required by law; that he be
discharged from his trust as such administator, and that for
these purposes a time and place be assigned for hearing said petion and examining and settling said account, and that
such notice be given thereof, as the law directs.
That on the 24th day of December, 1912, an order of this
court was entered assigning the elevnth day of January,
1913 at nine o`clock a.m. at the County Court room of
Douglas County, as the time and place for hearing said
petition , and examining and settling said account, and
requiring that notice of said hearing be given to all persons
interested by publishing a notice thereof in the Western
Laborer, a newpaper printed, and in general circulation in
said county,two weeks successively prior to said day of
hearing. That notice of said hearing has been duly given
andpublished as required by said order of this court.
That the final adminstrtion account is in all respects true and
correct; that due notice to creditors has been given, that all
funds and moneys belonging to said estate adminstratior on
the claims allowed against said estate, and that said estate is insolvent.
That the said JAMES BILLETER left surviving him at the
time of his death as the only heirs at law,
William Billeter, son
Marks J. Billeter, son
Rebecca Alice Billeter, commonly known as Alice Billeter,
IDA MAY BILLETER, daughter and
That at the time of death of said JAMES BILLETER, said
BILLETER were unmarried; said IDA MAY BILLETER
being at that time a minor about nine years of age;
That said son WILLIAM BILLETER died as the Soldier`
Home in Grand Island, NEbr., several years ago but long
subsequent to the death of said JAMES BILLETER, that
said WILLIAM BILLETER left surviving him as the only
heirs at law, Frank Billeter, son; and CHARLES
BILLETER, son; that said, CHARLES BILLETER died
about five years ago, unmarried and without issue.That said
FRANK BILLETER is at this time, the sole heir at law of
That at the time of the death of said JAMES BILLETER,
his said son MARKS J. BILLETER was married, his wife`s
name given name being Rebecca; that said MARKS J.
BILLETER died at Kennard, Nebr. About twenty-one
years go, and his said wife Rebecca died March 5th, 1912,
that said MARKS J. BILLETER and wife REBECCA left
them surviving as their heirs at law, JOHN W. BILLETER,
daughter, who are at this time the only heirs at law of said
That IDA MAY BILLETER, daughter of said JAMES
BILLETER, Deceased, now resides in the city of OMaha
and siad daughter IDA MAY was not married until several
years after the death of said JAMES BILLETER'
That said REBECCA ALICE BILLETER, commonly
known as ALICE BILLETER, now resides at South
Omaha, and was married long, subsequnt to the death of
said JAMES BILLETER, her married name being ALICE
Thatat the time of the death of said JAMES BILLETER, his
daughter MARY BILLETER BROWN was married, her
husband being FRED BROWN; that subsequent to the
death of said JAMES BILLETER, said daughter MARY
BROWN died at the Asylum for the Insane at Hastings,
Nebr. And her husband FRED BROWN died at Elk City,
Nebraska about the year 1890;that said MARY BROWN
and her husband, left surviving as their heirs at law, a
daughter named LAURA, now married and living at
Waterloo Nebr. Her married name being Mrs. LAURA
MORRIS; that at this time the heirs at law of said JAMES
BILLETER, Deceased are;
Frank Billeter, grandson
John W. Billeter, grandson
Zylpha Billeter Tobler, grandaughter
May BIlleter Henderson, grandaughter
Josie Billeter Stoner, grandaughter
Kate Billeter Brunton, grandaughter
Laura Billeter Morris, grandaughter
Rebecca ALice Creedon, daughter
Ida May Billeter Branton, daughter
That all the personal property belonging to said estate, has
been converted by said adminstrator into money, and said
money appied on claims allowed against said estate as
herein before found; that the real estate belonging to the
estateof said JAMES BILLETER, deceased as listed and
shown in the inventory herein, was foreclosed on Doc. "S"
Number 100 District Court of Douglas Co. Nebr. the
petition in said foreclosure case being filed April 20th 1880,
the decree therein being entered July 8th 1880 and said sale
confirmed on October 23rd 1880.
That after compiling the record of this case, there will be
due this court for costs of Administration, the sum of
Wherefore it is entered and adjudged by the court, that the
final administration account is hereby settled, allowed, and
approved as filed. That the administator pay said costs
herein taxed at $10.25 that upon the payment of said costs
under this decree, and upon the approval of the name bythis
cour, the administrator be discharged.
County Judge _______Cranfew
NOTE: This summary of JAMES BILLETER`S Estate is
only in part. Many of the pages are crumbling and not copy
able. Even the papers we received were too blurry to read.
1.Title: 1860 Douglas County Nebraska Census
Call Number:
Media: Book
Text: James Billeter
Gene`s gr gr grandfather
2.Title: Genforum- David Michael Gerth
Text: I have a James Billeter in Indiana in 1842 from another
3.Title: Marsha Bovey family sheets submitted Dec. 1986 Yates
Text: James Billeter
4.Title: Information from Georgia L. Lewis, 3746 Jefferson Ave.
South Ogden, Utah, 84401
Text: James, 1821
5.Title: Nebraska Census
Text: James Billeter b. Ohio
6.Title: Marsha Bovey family sheets submitted Dec. 1986 Yates
Text: James 1821
7.Title: Information from Georgia L. Lewis, 3746 Jefferson Ave.
South Ogden, Utah, 84401
Text: 1821 in Warren County, Ohio
8.Title: Genforum-Janet Josserand
Page: e-mail dated 9-29-1999
Text: James Billeter b. 1821 Warren or Butler County,OH
9.Title: Genforum- Janette Josserand
Text: d. 06, Feb.. 1879 Elkhorn Precinct, Douglas, Nebraska
10.Title: Marsha Bovey family sheets submitted Dec. 1986 Yates
Text: James-1821-1879
11.Title: Nebraska Census
Text: James Billeter, Farmer, Douglas Co. NE 42
12.Title: Douglas County Census
Page: 046
Text: James Billeter, Neb., Douglas County, Elkhorn City Cooper
and Farmer
13.Title: Genforum- Janette Josserand
Text: buried Douglas, Nebraska
14.Title: Descendants of James BILLETER; sent by Sadonna Lewis
and Joyce Luce
Page: Page 1
Text: There is no record as to where James is buried but it was probably the Old Elk City Cemetery. There was an orignal Elk City Cemetery whichis just across a small field to the south from the present cemetery. Supposedly this cemetery was started when the Mormons left Winter Quarters and headed for Utah. It is said that many died and were buried in an open trench. Early settlers were also buried there and the protection of the original cemetery was a battle for years, in the area. Until about 1884 when Moriris Purchase donated land for thepresent cemetery. Some of the remains were removed but by far not all. Having walked through the original cemetery area, no stones remain but there are depressed areas in the ground and evidence of planted flowers. There were pieces of broken stone but I am not sure if they were from tombstones. It is now occupied by cattle as far as I last knew and is definately private property.......Georgene Morris Sones... 15.Title: Genforum-Janette Josserand
Page: E-mail date September 29, 1999 reply to me
Text: occ. cooper/farmer. In Webster`s dictionary a cooper as an
occupation first appeared in the 14th century. Definition: one that
makes or repairs wooden casks or tubs.
16.Title: Ancestry.com Database: American Civil War Soldier
Call Number:
Media: Book
Text: Name: James Billeter
State Served: Nebraska
Enlist Date: 22 October 1862
Enlist Rank: Private
Enlist Age: 45
Army: Union
17.Title: E-mail from Georgene Morris Sones:GS1931 @ aol.com
Page: Feb. 17, 2001
Text: James Billeter did not leave a will. As I read the file there wasn`t enough money at one time to pay off all the bills. The settlement of the estate dragged on from 1879 to 1913.
The `1913 settlement reads in part, "that supsequent to the death of said James Billeter, said Mary Brown died at the Asylum for the insane at Hastings, Nebraska and her husband Fred Brown died at Elk City, Nebraska about the year 1889; that said Mary Brown and her husband left then surviving as their heirs at law, a daughter named Laura, now married and living at Waterloo, Nebraska; her married name being Mrs. Laura Morris.
18.Title: Genforum- Janette Josserand
Text: m. 15 Sep. 1839 to Selia Beauchamp, VIgo, Indiana
19.Title: Descendants of James BILLETER; sent by Sadonna Lewis and Joyce Luce Page: Page 1
Text: m. 15 Sept 1839 Selia/Delia BEAUCHAMP
20.Title: Ancestry.com Indiana Marriages to 1850
Text: Vigo County, Indiana Beuchamp, Selia married Billeter, James on 15 September 1839 in Vigo County, Indiana.
Last Edited | 15 August 2005 22:10:37 |
Relation | 4th great-grandson of Joseph Billiter |